Creating fresh and stylish jewelry to compliment every woman's style from preppy to free spirit, from metro to mountain, simple to shiny, office to evening, outdoor to opera.

Wear it often and wear it well.

Dum Vivimus Vimamus

Since 2002

Monday, September 20, 2010

An Artful Affair!

So the big event is just a few days away and I am busy in the studio!  I was feeling the cool, gray fog this morning and so worked with pearls, labradorite and kyanite...Then after lunch the sun was shining and my studio was filled with sunlight and out came the carnelian!  Then came a mixture of the two with copper and silver pearls... I feel so overwhelmed with ideas that I am certain there will not be enough hours in the day or tea in my cup.  Please stop by on Saturday and see what all the wonderful artists have to offer...I am looking forward to shopping too!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Still feeling the Blues...

Those of you who know my work know that I favor blues and greens...I am loving this mix of cool, peaceful, watery blues and bright sterling silver...Come see them at An Artful Affair, September 25, 2010.

Refreshing September

September is a busy month for Zippity Doodads! I wrap up the Ligonier Country Market on September 11 and then look forward to speaking to the Greensburg College Club at the Greensburg Garden and Civic Center on September 16th.

September 25th is the kick-off event for our newly formed Greater Westmoreland Creative Collective...I am very excited to be collaborating with such talented and creative local artists...Please stop in to enjoy a cup of tea and browse our wares!  Look to the right for details!

So I am thinking of warm 14 kt gold and coppery pearls...Add some peridot to brighten and I am feeling the fall vibe!