Creating fresh and stylish jewelry to compliment every woman's style from preppy to free spirit, from metro to mountain, simple to shiny, office to evening, outdoor to opera.

Wear it often and wear it well.

Dum Vivimus Vimamus

Since 2002

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Turquoise Coast....

We've just returned from an incredible trip that found us in Istanbul, Turkey.  The city is large and bustling and so colorful. One of the tidbits that I learned was that the word turquoise has its origins in French and means Turkish Stone. I can attest to that color being the most accurate description of the Bosphorus Strait, and maybe someday I'll travel to Antalya, along the famous Turquoise Coast of Turkey.  I've returned inspired and the weather is starting to become that perfumed and heavy summer air,the perfect season for wearing turquoise.  With that in mind I've been busy on some new pieces for this Saturday's Ligonier Country Market.  (June 18, 2016, 8-noon).  Here's a peek:

And here is some of that turquoise inspiration.....


Hope to see you at the market!
